Thursday, June 17, 2010

lollipops, bullhorns and hard stuff

im out of breath...fuck. i know you like...can't tell unless you're some sort of like superhero that can like visit people through their computer screens...if you are like that HOLY SHIT IM SO JEALOUS...wait. but if you're reading this in like a week and i'm not sitting at the computer how can you tell i'm out of breath?? wait....what? im confusing myself im out of breath because theres this rhino stalking me (Sarah Derurty happens to know of this rhino) and he was just upstairs in my shower singing show tunes and he's was all like "I'M SINGING IN THE RAIN" and so I went in and was like "'re in a shower dipshit" and he got all pissed off like rhinos do as everyone knows and so he decided he wanted to kill me with his lollipop lasik vision and so i had to run like a pigeon with Spice on my back singing Beyonce backwards and then he fell through the sky and it was really scary and so now i'm out of breath and writing this post and it's really hilarious.

actually no. i am being stalked by a rhino but i'm not out of breath because of the rhino chasing me or whatever shit i just came up with up there....i'm out of breath because...
you'll never know.
but my best friends Spice and Jemmer are here and yah it's pretty awesome. they are related those lucky  ducks. OMG DID I EVER TELL YOU ABOUT THAT DUCK??
no? oh..that sucks. we're having a party in spice's pants. wow...those are sexy shorts spice. what are you trying to do?? steal my rhino from me? cause he's a perv you know? ...thats right i went there.

so i'm sitting on one of their laps (hehehehe arent you just wondering...) and they keep  laughing and it's REALLLLLYY pissing me off 'cause their laugh is really loud and sexy and it makes me realllllyyy giggly. i mean WHAT? i did not just talk about hornets. no no way.

hahahahahaahah ohmygod i really want a frappucinoo or whatever theyre spelled like
DUDE THOSE ADS ON TV ARE SOOO COOL. i totally want to be in it. i'd be like after the girl who goes "bliss" and i'd be all like cool and say something like "corn".


soo...yah that title is super random...the duck wanted to name it yah.


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