Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wow...I'm bad at this

Okay...green today. Hahahaha. So I'm bad at this whole blogging thing. I Knew I had to do this, but I never actually did. So this is me trying to update this...9 days after my first post. SO...yes

Just fufilling a promise to my BEST FRIEND...
check out:
http://delutydays.blogspot.com/<-- This is her blog and it's like 50 million times better than this one.

I had fun today. I don't really know why exactly but I just had fun. Math was soooo much fun though. Math is usually fun when we have free seating. I really like free seating. Just to voice my thoughts and all. Sarah and I were having so much fun. Or at least I was...Sarah were you???
Oscar--my new friend--is like uber funny. He's like looking at me for a good three or four minutes and I'm like, "Hello?" and he's like, "Do you have like...3 or 4 hickies on your chest or something?" I'm like...yes. way to stare at my boobs inconspicuosly (i dont know and dont care if I spelled that right). (OH and I don't have hickies on my chest...heheheh)

May I just point out that my ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend are "doing something" which one part of me wants to know what and the other doesn't because i think i might GAG. My ex is a douce and my ex-bff is a bitch. (Sorry to those who like her, I don't and she wont be reading this so I DONT GIVE A SHIT.) I think he thinks it'll make me jealous. I don't give a flying monkey's balls.
He can go do her in the boy's bathroom for all I care I just DONT WANT TO WATCH. And Chris if you're reading this...get a clue. I. DONT. CARE.

okay...now that that's out.
Im gonna quit counting today because it's almost done so 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL RAWA!!! CHYEAHHHH FTW!!!!!!!!!! I'm supah exciteds. But only because I get to go with a friend. If i was going with my family again....well that'd be a different story. LOL.
We're gonna get our tan on, and snorkel, and encroach upon the millions of fishies millieus and shit like that...and eat. hehehe poptarts. yes.

OKay...hmm what else??? I recently spent $750 at Victoria's Secret Pink in two sittings. I feel guilty...but I wont as soon as those boxes come. heheheheh...*mischief*
I got's lotsa sweats, some cute hoodies, three dresses, a bunch of shirts, and lots and lots of undies and swimsuits. Just in case you wanted to know what a person spends $750 on. Oh...and Makeup and shoes...hehehehe

I have fallen in love. Yes it's true. I'm in love with someone. I have fallen deep and hard for....

CERMENNLOL. Yes...only two of you know WHAT THE FUCK im talking about...but you two are laughing your faces off remembering this so I'm just gonna leave it..
hehehe remember SPice???? those are cheerios dumb ass.
AND THE BUBBLES??? OHMYGOD AND COLIN ON THE TRAMPOLINE!!!!!!!!!!! dude that was hilarious.
aaah...the memories.

okay i'm finished herre...oh but i will just quickly add...I'm being 100007% myself on here for you guys that think I'm not. If you're one of those people, then try to get to know ME before accusing me of things like that.
SHOUTOUT TO MY PURPLE STARFISH. i love you. ti voglio bene.
there italian lesson #1...you're on your way.


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